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Webinar - Part 2: Optimizing Infusion Therapy Outcomes Through Pharmacy-Nursing Collaboration


Clinical Nurse Specialist

Scott Murray, PharmD, RPh

Medication Safety Coordinator

Webinar - Part 1: Optimizing Infusion Therapy Outcomes Through Pharmacy-Nursing Collaboration


Clinical Nurse Specialist

Scott Murray, PharmD, RPh

Medication Safety Coordinator

Infusion Titration Best Practices

Silvana Balliu, PharmD
Coordinator of Pharmacy Services

Alina Bulgar-Grozav, PharmD, PhD, CJCP
Manager Medication Safety Services

Alyssa Chen, PharmD, BCCCP, BCPS
Clinical Informatics Pharmacist

APRN/PA Manager
Clinical Nurse Specialist-Cardiovascular ICU

Going with the Flow: A Community Health System's Journey Adopting a Novel Syringe Pump

Megan Fragale, PharmD, MS, BCPS
Valorie Wilkins, RPh, MS, MBA, MHIHIM

Baxter Webinar: Presbyterian Health Services (PHS) Interoperability

Topic: Integration of the electronic health record with large volume infusion pumps
Speakers: Shannon Burchett, PharmD; Renae A. Muhammad, BSN, RN



AI in Healthcare - Current State and Future Direction

Muhammad Mamdani, MPH, MA, PharmD, Vice President of Data Science and Advanced Analytics, Unity Health Toronto; Director of the University of Toronto Temerty Faculty of Medicine Centre for Artificial Intelligence Education and Research in Medicine (T-CAIREM)
Dr. Mamdani will be defining and discussing AI in healthcare and how his team bridges advanced analytics including machine learning with clinical and management decision making to improve patient outcomes and hospital efficiency.

The Importance of CQI Data

Larry Bertoldo, Pharmacist, Pharmacy Clinical Lead at Thunder Bay Regional Medical Center
Larry will be defining CQI data and what it encompasses. Why is CQI data important? What reports are clinically relevant, what data to target? What is the process for CQI data analysis at TBRHSC currently? Are there committees that review the data, how frequently and what are some examples of decisions made based on findings?

Implementation of Smart Infusion Pumps

Brittney McLaughlin, RN, Interprofessional Educator at Thunder Bay Regional Medical Center
We will be discussing the topic of infusion pumps, particularly the aspect related to the implementation process of these devices. What steps were taken to ensure the implementation was a success: who was involved, any committees created? what kind of preparation was made at the professional practice level to ensure the switch to the new pumps was successful? How long did the whole process take?

EHR Standardization and Device Integration, Learnings From a Multi-site Implementation

Dustin Reeves, RN, Clinical Informatics Specialist
What happens when you bring four hospitals together in four different locations to build standardization into their Electronic Health Record? Join us to listen to the experience as they share what drove standardization, improved best clinical practices, and optimized documentation practices. What value does medical device integration bring to the patient and the clinician? What can other organizations learn from these experiences? Should this be the expectation of all hospital settings?

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